Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Sad News - Karla the Dog

From a comment left by Valerie. I wanted you all to see it:
Thanks you all so much for your prayers and love. Yesterday was Karla's last day. We had a nice walk in the beautiful fall sunshine and shared a few bites of orange sherbet together. She was a wonderful, loving "mama" dog who watched over her people and all our critters with love everyday. We will miss her much but know she's no longer in pain. She's probably running and playing with her buddy Max now, who she comforted in his last days. Your prayers and support have meant the world to us and we will never forget that. Love to all, Valerie
Please say a prayer for Valerie as she suffers the loss of her beloved dog.


  1. Hugs, thoughts and many prayers with you, Valerie, at this difficult time.
    May Karla and her other special pal, Max, know every joy of Heaven together. Your love truly shines through your words, Valerie, and I think without a doubt Karla and Max will be forever with you in spirit.
    God Bless you.

  2. Thoughts and prayers for comfort are with you, Valerie

  3. Dear Valarie,

    No words can erase the pain you feel but please be comforted knowing there are many people who are thinking of you and praying for you. I think Max and Karla were very lucky to have such kind, caring home.


  4. Dear Valerie,

    I am so sorry for you and your family. I am praying for you. I send you love.


Please feel free to leave your prayer request here.