Saturday, October 29, 2011

Prayer Request

From me (Esther): Can you please pray that God will send me the right dog. I know no dog will replace my Coco. But I would like one that will love us as much as Coco loved all of us. Mahalo!


  1. Dear Lord, please bless our friend, Esther, that a dog will come her way with all the Love that Esther has for it in return, thank You, Lord. May this blessing come to you Esther and thank you for your beautiful blog.

  2. Esther, be assured of all my prayers on the way! Your home is so filled with love and may you be blessed with a very special friend, too. Perhaps CoCo will help from above, Esther, for we know she has her angel wings now.
    Blessings and prayers for you always.

  3. dear heavenly father, please bless
    our friend Esther with avery very special dog, thank you lord god bless you

  4. Dear Esther,
    My heart goes out to you . I will pray that God will bless you with another dog that will love you . But try to remember all dogs and cats will always love you the same as Koco did. Just be patient God will send you one. I just lost my dog Kimmy and I am in a lot of pain but I believe God will send me another one when he feels it is the right time. God Bless Joe B

  5. My dear friends, thank you very much for your prayers and words of encouragement and kindness. I am leaving it to God but I don't think it is wrong to look for another dog. The pain of losing Coco is still very intense but my husband and I know there are other dogs in need of a home. We are looking. Today there was a dog at the humane society we wanted to adopt. However, the person who found her wanted to adopt her so we accepted it. Later today we are meeting up someone who is selling their pup. I just want to do God's will.

  6. I've spoken to my new and precious Frankie and he promised to send good doggie vibes and furry prayers that you will find a fur person just like him ('cause his "mommer and popper" think he's perfect.

  7. Thank you Adrienne and Frankie :-) Much appreciated.

  8. Heavenly Father,
    I pray that you may heal our pet Spikey. He's sick now and is confined but the doctors cannot identify his illness yet. I pray that wit hyour divine mercy, you will heal Spikey. I know you will heal him as what you did to him earlier stage of his life, he is a miracle dog.

    Lord, please give Spikey another chance to live. He's just been with us for four months. Please lengthen his life. I feel so sad now knowing that he is very sick and we don't know what to do. He is so hopeless. I also ask the help of St. Roch
    , St. Jude, Sto. Nino and St. Francis, that you will help me pray for Spikey's fast recovery. In your most holy name ..Amen.

  9. A prayer request has been posted. We are praying for Spikey.


Please feel free to leave your prayer request here.