Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Prayer Request for Maddox the Cat

From Kathleen:
My cat Maddox is a 6 year old diabetic orange and white tabby. He has recently stopped eating. The vet thinks it may be pancreatitis though I fear he may have eaten something that caused an abdominal blockage. He hasn't eaten more than a few bites or pooped in 3 days. He is under the vet's care but currently at home. I am afraid he is going to waste away. To make matters worse, the problem started the day we returned from vacation. My poor pet sitter is blaming herself and scared that we blame her which we do not. I am an emotional wreck. The limbo is killing me. I would rather hear that it is bad and that it is his time or to hear that it is temporary and he will get better but nobody knows. We are facing more and more expensive tests and invasive procedures and more than anything, if he has to go, I want it to be peaceful, not after weeks of us forcing him to choke down medicine and forced feeding tubes at the vet.

Please pray that Maddox will start to eat, that I will have the strength to get through whatever happens, and that my pet sitter find peace that this was not her fault. Please pray that Maddox somehow know the pills are to help him and that the pricking of his ear is to only ensure I give him the right dose of insulin during this trying time. Please keep my husband strong as he is the rock that supports me. If I can't be strong all the time, please at least let me be strong enough to get through each work day. Please let whatever has to happen be it he get better or he pass happen quickly and painlessly.


PS: thank you so much for your site. I stumbled on it today.


  1. St. Gertrude, Blessed Seelos, St. Francis, and St. Jude, we need your urgent intercession, please, for healing and peace of mind for dear Maddox, Kathleen, and the pet-sitter at this very difficult and stressful time.
    Blessed Seelos, please let Maddox feel your healing touch and calming embrace.
    Thinking of you Kathleen and be assured of many many prayers. I'm so glad you found Esther's most special site.
    Sometimes we can just take one moment at a time. I'm sure Maddox knows just how much you love him - continue to show him that, listen carefully to Maddox, and turn the rest over to the Saints.
    You hang in there.

  2. To all who prayed last night and today - I want to thank you from the bottom of my heart. I woke up feeling like a new person today. Maddox slept on my bed last night which is very special. When he was diagnosed with diabetes we had to keep him out of our room because he was always hungry and would cry all night. Of course I'd be happy to see him hungry now. It was very nice to have him by my side, on his own accord, most of the night.

    This morning, he ate some wet food! He actually ate enough that I was comfortable giving him insulin without pricking his ear. He fought his new pills. While I hate torturing him I saw the positive and was happy he has fight in him still and saw that as a good sign.

    Right before I left for work I peeked in the litter box and saw a couple little poops. That is a GREAT sign and means things are moving in there. He is certaintly not out of the woods yet but I saw many of my prayers answered. Thank you!

  3. Dear Lord, please watch over Maddox, heal him and put him on the road to wellness please. Thoughts and prayers for Hope, Faith and Strength are sent for you, Kathleen and your husband and guidance for the vet caring for your Maddox.

  4. One moment, one step at a time Kathleen, and all those prayers for Maddox and you, your husband, and everyone involved continue, not to worry!
    St. Gertrude, Blessed Seelos, St. Francis, and St. Jude, please continue to help Maddox in the very special way that you can, bless his heart and Kathleen's, too. For peace of mind and strength for the journey for Kathleen, too.
    Kathleen - I don't know but I wonder is there any chance the vet or a pharmacist may know of the medication being available in a different form or be given to Maddox in a more palatable way?
    God Bless you and keep you and be assured of the many prayers here.

  5. Dear Lord, thank You for watching over Maddox, please keep him on the road to wellness...


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