Monday, October 10, 2011

Prayer Request for Abby the Dog

From Maggie:
Abby is a one year old red heeler that I adopted 8 weeks ago. She is very shy of strangers and she exhibits fear aggression towards strangers, especially men. I am working with a trainer who tells me she will never be trustworthy around other people and that if I keep her I will always have to be on guard. Please pray that she learns to master her fears and that I learn how to handle her properly so that she is a good companion dog. I don’t know her background except that I am her third home in her first year of life. I feel so sad and somewhat overwhelmed because I’ve never owned a dog that was not outgoing and happy to be petted and be around people.

I don’t want to abandon her, but I can’t keep her if she is going to be aggressive to strangers.

Anxious and sore at heart would describe my feelings now.



  1. For Maggie and Abby, please be assured of many prayers on your behalf.
    I am no expert but please don't give up too easily. Heaven only knows what Abby may have been through. Certainly I understand your thoughts and feelings, but I know these things sometimes take a great deal of time. Perhaps your vet or another could recommend a behavioral health consultant/therapist.
    It sounds like you have so much love and it may take extra time and patience. I wish you and Abby the very best.
    St. Jude, Patron of Difficult Cases, please hear our prayers, and assist in your special way, thank you.

  2. Lord please heal Abby's fears and pas wounds. Please build her confidence and trust in people.

  3. Dear Lord, please calm Abby and heal her of her fears. Give Abby trust in her new owner, Maggie and my love surround them all that this new adoption be a wonderful thing for them all..thank You, Lord and bless you Maggie.

  4. Dear Maggie,

    My daughter adopted a dog from the pound five years ago. She had run wild for 3 months before she was caught. She was terrified of strangers but ESPECIALLY men. She would growl and flatten herself to the floor or slink down with her tail between her legs. With men that WE trusted, we had them give her positive attention, petting, treats, speaking softly to her etc. It took time but it worked. It is five years later and she is much better but still cowers at strange men. Do NOT give up hope. Abby just needs lots of love and lots of support to undo the abandonment she has had to deal with. Please don't give up on her. Abby was obviously was sent to someone who really cares about her well-being. Maggie, you are doing a great thing. Please hang in there. I will pray for Abby and for you.

  5. I have been in your situation and training did help. Also, a gentle leader collar really helped me keep control of her. You are in my prayers.

  6. Don't give up on abby, she just needs slot of love, All our prayers are with you.

  7. I am praying for you. I know this is a difficult situation. Please know that with God all things are possible and He will help you in this loving and challenging time. Gentleness, patience, faith and love. I pray that these will be God's gifts of grace for you.

  8. Thanks for everyone's comments. I'm continuing to work with her, though daunted by the task. Please keep us both in your prayers.


  9. We are praying for both of you Maggie.


Please feel free to leave your prayer request here.