Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Message from Joe D - Kimmy the Dog

First of all my apologies for writing "cat" instead of "dog". Kimmy was a dog and I knew that. I don't know why I typed cat instead. But it has been corrected on the original post.

Joe left the following comment there:

Update on Kimmy B. that passed away on 10/18/2011. I would like to share with other
pet owner's who are nursing their sick and dying pet on how I handled my heartbreaking situation. First I wish to thank everyone who sent me their prays and support at this most difficult time of my life.I always knew that when the time came it would hurt but I never would had guess it would hurt as much as it does. Kimmy would had been 15 yrs old this coming Christmas but her cancer prevented her from seeing it.I spent a lot of time with her never leaving her alone. Kimmy loved riding in the car so I spent afternoons and nights riding around the neighborhood with her to make her happy. I always told people that I could never have the heart to put her to sleep but when I saw how she was suffering I guess God sends an angel that takes you by the hand and helps you do what you have to do. It's true because out of nowhere I asked the Vet can we put her down in the car and he said yes .There were only two things Kimmy loved the most and that was sitting in my car and being with me.She feared pet hospitals the most and I didn't want to take her inside one for the last time.This idea came right out of the sky and I was so fortunate that my Vet said yes without hesitation. One of my close friends Tina accompany me that day and witness everything. at the end she cried and said how beautiful it was because before Kimmy was put to sleep she turned and kissed me as to say thank you.I was crying so much I didn't remember till she refreshed my mind. I had to wait till today a week later to have her cremated. Her body was sent to Regency Pet Cemetery which is located on Long Island. I wanted to be present when she was cremated. They actually have a room set up where you view your loved one for the last time. Just like a wake .We said a few prays blessed her with holy water and oil and said our goodbyes . They have you walk down the path to where the cremation is performed they take her and place her where she has to be place.And they cremate her. You come back in a few hrs. and they have her ashes ready for you to take home. I have to say I felt good after this. It gives you some more closure.I felt I treated her the same way as if she was my own daughter. When I die I will request her ashes to be buried with me. This is how I handled my heartbreaking situation. She went in class. I hope by me sharing how I dealt with Kimmy dying this last week and how I handled her remains it would teach and educate those who would have to face and deal with what I did what services are available for their pets. I still cry and miss her deeply but knowing I did the best for her lightens my pain and suffering a little. God Bless.


  1. God Bless you and keep you, Joe D.
    Your friends here at Esther's most special site are with you at this difficult time.
    God Bless sweet Kimmy and may perpetual light shine upon her.
    Thank you for sharing, please take good care of yourself just now.
    You and Kimmy are in all of my prayers.

  2. May God's comfort be with you, Joe!


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