Friday, October 7, 2011

Latest Update on Kia and a Prayer Request

From Dianne:
Update on Kia:
She finally got to come home from the vet.( not to my home:<) But to my friend Diana's home. She's doing better, But she will not come out of the little cat carrier. She is scared I think. We are hopeing that she will come out of there soon.Please keep her in your prayers ok. And thank you for all your prayers and support. I do miss her so.. May God bless and keep all our animals in his loving care God bless you all


  1. Dear Lord, please watch over Kia, keep her well and calm her and take away her fear, thank You...

  2. For Dianne's Kia . . . bless her heart - she's been through so very much and sure she's very afraid. St. Francis please comfort Kia, allow her to feel your healing and comforting presence so that she can feel the safety of her surroundings and come out of the carrier, heal her and protect her.
    Prayers and comfort for Dianne, too.

  3. Praying...things will get better.

  4. Continued prayers for Kia, her new care person, and for Dianne. Sweet Jesus, hear our prayers.


Please feel free to leave your prayer request here.