Friday, September 30, 2011

Urgent Prayer Request for Finn McCool the Cat

From Ellen:
You helped me last year when my cat Keevah McCool went missing for 17 long days. We got her back because of your prayers and the kindness of someone that turned her into the SPCA…she made her way home because she had a chip and because all of those prayers were answered!

We were just told this morning that the big brother, Finn McCool, is in kidney failure and he is not even 4 years old. The doctors are keeping him at the hospital as we speak and are hoping to find out why as well as find a way of getting it under control so he can come home and have a normal life with his 4 fellow rescues who treat him like a big brother. He’s only been gone for 4 hours and I can tell they are missing him.

Finn has been very healthy and never had a problem at all until I noticed how much water he was drinking and how much he would urinate. I finally took him to the vets yesterday and the test results showed, much to their astonishment, that he is having kidney failure. Things aren’t completely hopeless and we are really praying for the best possible outcome which would be getting his levels where they should be, medicine daily and a new diet plan so his kidneys function as well as possible. He is still a baby and we want him to be with us for a long time to come.

Could you please post a message asking for everyone that is willing to say a prayer for our Finn McCool. He is an amazingly sweet, kind and gentle soul and he has brought unspeakable amounts of joy into the lives of myself and my husband. I have attached a picture of Finn with one of our other cats named Butters. Finn is the black and white on the left with his paws around Butters (gray & white.)

Thank you for any prayers you can offer up for him.


  1. Dear Lord, please, a complete healing is asked for Ellen's kitty, Finn McCool.Thank You. Thoughts and prayers are with you all, Ellen

  2. I'm sorry, Ellen. We will be thinking about you, Mark, and your little Finn! I will get my kids right on the prayer chain. Lots of hugs to all of you...xo Meg

  3. For you & yours, LORD hear our prayer!

  4. please pray for my friends robins run away orange and white tabby. she is heart broken please pray that he is safe and they are reunited soon. thanks and blessings cece w

  5. please pray for my friend robins run away orange and white tabby. she is heart broken. please pray that he is safe and they are reunited soon. thanks and blessings cece w

  6. Cece, a prayer request has been posted. We are praying.


Please feel free to leave your prayer request here.