Saturday, September 24, 2011

Update: Jundi the Cat

From Brittany: Update: I received a call today that Jundi has been spotted! I honestly believe your prayers made this happen....I hadn't heard anything in almost 3 weeks. I am just so happy to hear that she is alive. My friends in West Virginia were excited to hear the news and are going to get others to help look for her. Thank you to all who prayed!


  1. GREAT NEWS, Brittany! Prayers and thoughts continue that Jundi will be guided home to you...

  2. Brittany, be assured the many prayers will certainly continue for Jundi and for you!!!
    Dear St. Anthony, St. Jude, St. Gertrude, and St. Francis, please intercede as only you can do, please watch over Jundi, protect and calm her, and allow her to trust someone enough to allow them to help get her home to Brittany.
    God Bless Jundi!


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