Saturday, September 17, 2011

Sad News - Tiller the Dog

From Jeff:

Tiller died rather suddenly. She was feeling pretty good and wagging her tail almost to the very end. I was sure that she was already seeing the great dogs who had left this life before her, certain ones in particular of course, and running with them, now without any pain in a place where the sun shines through fall leaves.

I enclose a picture of her daughter, called Seraph, who is still with us.

I hope everybody who loses a beloved pet will eventually find comfort until they "cross the bridge", or however you might think of it.
I guess I don't even have to ask you good people to pray for Jeff. God bless.


  1. Dearest Jeff . . . . my heart goes out to you, and if not being too forward - I send you many hugs, and you have all my prayers for the moments, hours, days ahead. I am so very sorry.
    Right now the pain and loss are so great, I understand that, but knowing your bond with Tiller - because you wrote so beautifully of it here - I have a deep sense that Tiller will be staying very close to you in spirit and she'll find her own special way to let you know she's with you - and you will "know".
    I also extend my deepest sympathy to Tiller's beautiful daughter, Seraph, God bless her, you'll know Jeff how to do that I know.
    Please take care of you and Seraph and with special thanks to Esther I know you have many others here thinking of you at this difficult time.
    May Tiller know every joy of Heaven, God Bless you honey; and God Bless your Dad and Seraph.

  2. Very sorry to hear it! I recently lost my cat and so I completely understand what you are going through...may you and everyone in your family find comfort in knowing that Tiller is in heaven!

  3. Very ironic, we are getting a golden retriever puppy and are going to name her "Tiller". She was born after your Tiller went onto her sacred life beyond us here. We also have a 13 yr old golden named "Par".

    Tiller will come home to us in
    November and be living in

    Many blessings and comfort to you,

    Tiller's new family ,

    Lauren and Marshall


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