Friday, September 9, 2011

Prayer Request for Manthie the Cat

From Ryan:
Could you please pray for our cat Manthie to return home safely soon. She went missing on June 21st, 2011 and we recently moved so we can't look for her anymore. We're praying every night and morning for her to come back safely.


  1. St. Anthony and St. Jude, your powerful intercession is so very needed for Ryan's beloved Manthie. Please find Manthie and see that she can be returned safely to her family.
    Ryan, be assured of many prayers here for safe return of your Manthie.

  2. For Ryan . . . please be assured of continued and ongoing prayers for your Manthie's safe return. Thinking of you . . . .
    St. Anthony and St. Jude, we need your Heavenly assistance as only you can do. Thank you.

  3. Dear Lord, please keep Manthie safe and well and return her to her home...Thank You...

  4. Thank you, we hope she get's home soon. We think she would love our new house in New England. Nice weather.


Please feel free to leave your prayer request here.