Saturday, September 17, 2011

Mahalo Nui Loa

We have some very caring people here. I am so deeply touched by the way you reach out to the owners who are suffering from the loss of their pet, etc. You truly show compassion and loving concern. So a big thank you to all of you...or how we say it in Hawaii, Mahalo Nui Loa! Thank you very much.


  1. I try to comment on all but often fall short. But - I always read each and every post on my Reader and say a prayer.

    Did you see this?

  2. After undergoing the absolute nightmare of a time when Cleo was unwell, has sensitized me to how the owners suffer along with their beloved pets. I am very grateful to you Esther, for this site, and for all the prayer warriors, for their prayers for me and Cleo. AS Cleo is now well, I am paying it forward, as I know how gut wrenching this situation can be. God bless all your good and compassionate pet owners and prayer warriors.

  3. Adrienne, only comment when you feel moved to or when you can. We all know the prayer warriors...and then some are praying for the pets even though not everyone comments.

    Thank you Kozz. I am glad the owners are always included in the prayers. God love you all!


Please feel free to leave your prayer request here.