Thursday, September 8, 2011

Bogie the Dog

From John:
Bogie, I believe has told this morning that the time has come. The
tumor has grown even larger since I last updated you. The vet had
decided after all that they could not remove the tumor so we were left
to enjoy the final months with him. I found a holistic vet which he
would have seen in two weeks from today, but this morning Bogie was
pacing up and down feeling very uncomfortable and tired. I wish I
could keep him with me for many more years but prolonging his life for
the sake of mine is selfish in my part. We will miss our Bogster but
we will see him again. Thank you Esther for all you energy and
Please keep John in your prayers.


  1. For John - am so very very sorry to read this news for both you and your beloved Bogie; in fact, yes my heart breaks reading this.
    Yes, too, I also believe that you will certainly be reunited again; and please know that I will be remembering your Bogie to my late Dad to keep an eye out for your Bogster on the other side of "the bridge" . . .
    If not being too lengthy . . . the day after my Dad passed, one of his neighborhood pals, a yellow lab, was sitting just outside my Dad's workshop door where he often visited, but this time Tucker sat with his nose pressed to the glass window with such a confused look, trying to figure out where his pal was, why was the workshop door closed.
    May whatever time you have left with Bogie be etched in your heart forever.
    Thinking of you and prayers.

  2. Thoughts and prayers of comfort for you John...


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