Monday, August 15, 2011

Urgent Prayer Request for Zoe the Dog


From Isabel:
I'm writing you from Hanau, Germany in a moment of deep despair and helplessness, as the whole family is fearing for the life or our deeply loved, 11 year-old Border Collie, Zoe (I added a picture that I took of her last Saturday), who is at the vet clinic since yesterday.
I was searching the internet for some kind of homepage for intercessions or so – and finally find your blog. It almost made me cry. It is so nice to see that one isn't alone in a moment like this and that there are people all over the world who share the same sympathy and compassion for their beloved pets. It hurt sooo much when a close friend of mine (who obviously isn't as compassionate about pets) got across to me earlier this afternoon that I shouldn't make such a brouhaha about a dog. I don't know what hurts more – knowing that my ppor Zoe-baby is for more than 24 hours at the vet or this lack of understanding.

Zoe suffers from a sudden anemia and high fever. We brought her to the VET E.R. Sunday afternoon because she suddenly wasn't able to stand up - and if she finally managed to stand on her 4 feet, she collapsed.
The vet said it's not sure yet, if it's evoked by an auto-immune disease or something else (as X-ray and CT showed, her organs look excellent). Her blood values are still miserable and she gets a second blood transfusion now. Although she was able to eat and drink something by herself today, she still is in very critical conditions.

Yesterday night I lighted a blessed candle for her and prayed for her, too. Maybe that's why she ate and drank something today.
I pray that her condition improves and it's NO auto-immune disease.

Please inclose her in your prayers! Maybe you can also post her name/photo on your website. Let's hope for the best. I love her sooooooo!

Best regards,


  1. Thoughts and prayers are with you and Zoe...

  2. Sending up rayers for Zoe. I am in a similar situation with my dear Cleo who is only 4. Please pray for her.
    I too am hoping that my dog is not suffering from autoimmune thrombocytopenia.


Please feel free to leave your prayer request here.