Thursday, August 25, 2011

Urgen Prayer Request for Bogie the Dog

From John:
I am requesting a prayer for my yellow lab Bogie. He started
with a small lump on his side this summer which has grown to an
enormous size. He is at the vet right now and they are taking x-rays,
and a biopsy. The vet is very concerned and is not positive. Bogey
has been by my side for 10 years and has brought me infinite joy. I
realize that our little buddies do not last forever but Bogey still
has lots of life to him and is very aware. It is only this tumor that
has taken a toll on all of us. I am sitting and waiting for any kind
of news but what I need right now is prayer for Bogie. Our other dogs
are feeling this too for they have been following me around like
something is bothering them. I know they feel our worries. Thank you
for providing this service. God bless.


  1. Prayers and thoughts for healing for Bogie and guidance and wisdom for the vet..comfort to you and your other fur friends, John...Bless you all...

  2. For John, your beloved Bogie, and your other special canine pals . . . . please know many prayers are being offered. May Bogie especially sense the healing, comforting presence of St. Francis, Bl. Seelos, St. Roch, Our Lady, and the many angels close to him. Holy Father, please let there be a miracle here for Bogie and John.
    And all my love and hugs to your dear Bogie.
    Keep us posted John and know you are being thought of.

  3. Foe woo & yours, LORD hear our prayer,


Please feel free to leave your prayer request here.