Thursday, August 18, 2011

Sad News - Zoe the Dog

From Isabel:
I'm writing you in deepest grief – Zoe passed away a few hours ago. While I'm writing those lines, I still can't believe it.

I was about to write you yesterday already that the situation had been improving, as she had no fever anymore yesterday and already started to eat and drink again. She was even able to go for a few steps out of the clinic – unfortunately not in our presence as we still were told, not to visit her as our inevitable good-bye at the end of the visit might hurt her even more. So we stayed at home and deprived, heeding the doctor's advice.

Then there was this call, today at 7PM. From the vet's clinic, telling us that Zoe suddenly was in poor condition and we better should stop by.

As the clinic is about 25km away from our home it took us almost 40 min. in that rush our's traffic jam to get there. We dropped everything at home and tried to get there as fast as we could.

When we arrived there, the vet's assistant told us to wait, she would get her and bring her upstairs. Suddenly she came back with the doctor, telling us, that Zoe had just passed away.

My soul fell and fell, there was no hold at all. We missed her, we couldn't be with her in her very last moments in live. We wanted to be with her so much giving her all the warmth and love for her walk over the rainbow bridge. But we couldn't. I hope that she knew about us coming. And us, yearning eagerly for being united as a family again, giving her all the love and support that we weren't able to share in the past days.

But she went over the rainbow bridge on her own.

Luckily, she seems to have passed away peacefully as her loving heart stopped beating (there was almost no oxygen in her blood anymore, as her hematocrit value sank to 8 this evening).

We will bury her tomorrow, now she's laying on her blanket with a bouquet of flowers and friend just brought along.

Please pray for her and her eternal future with all the other deeply loved pets in the paradise beyond the rainbow bridge...

Zoe – we love you so much – forever!
Please keep Isabel in your prayers as she suffers the loss of Zoe.


  1. Sorry to hear about oe Isable ... I will say a doggie Pray for you all...

  2. Isabel - your sorrow is my sorrow. Prayers for your peace...

  3. God bless and comfort you during this time of great grief, Isabel..

  4. For Isabel in Germany - I have just logged on and read of your Zoe, and just had to tell you that you are so not alone, as my heart is breaking with your heart. Holding you close in my heart and am remembering your beloved Zoe and you in all my prayers.
    Isabel, I've already whispered to my late Dad to keep an eye out for your Zoe - he always had a pocket of treats for all dogs and she'll have a friend there while she waits for the day she is reunited with you all.
    Please take care, thoughts and prayers, Lou Ann/PA, U.S.A.

  5. Oh my heart breaks for you Isabel. I just saw this post after commenting on a previous post.

    Please keep my poor Cleo a cocker spaniel in your prayers. She too is in a similar situation. The vet performed her spay surgery without checking her blood levels and later declared that her hemoglobin and platelets counts were very low. She had a blood transfusion two days back. Now, she has fever and is refusing to eat. Please pray that she does not have the dreaded autoimmune disease of the blood, as the vets here are not that experienced with the condition. She is very dear to us and a source of much joy.

  6. Thank you all for your prayers and comments for Isabel.

    Kozz, I posted your prayer request for Cleo.

  7. Thinking of you so very much, Isabel, holding you in my heart. I know your Zoe has a most special place in Heaven but I sense she will also find a special way to stay with you in spirit. Hugs to you at this difficult time.


Please feel free to leave your prayer request here.