Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Prayer Requests for Holly and Noel the Dogs

From Hallie:
I recently found out that my 7 year old golden retriever, Holly, probably has a highly aggressive mouth tumor. I've been sending out prayers requests ever since and a friend referred me to your blog, Prayers for our Pets. I was just wondering if you could post a prayer on your blog for my sweet Holly-girl. My mom and I are both having a hard time dealing with this, as we also have a 14 year old Chihuahua who is in poor health as well due to age and we never expected to lose Holly before Noel so we're asking for all the prayers we can get.



  1. Your dogs are in my prayers. Take care.

  2. Thoughts and prayers are with you, Hallie, your Mom and your dogs, Holly and Noel...


Please feel free to leave your prayer request here.