Monday, August 1, 2011

Prayer Request for Max the Dog

From Debi:
I've tried to place it on your site prayers for pets and seem to be unable.

Please pray for Max, he is our yellow lab that came into our life 6 months after we lost our beloved white retriever mix Miss E from rectal cancer. Max has been with us 5 short months and has stolen our hearts from day one. He is just so sweet and lovable. He helped us heal from Miss E. Now Max has a lump on his soft palate and it is cancer.... To go thru this again is just unbearable. This is breaking our hearts to know that we are going to lose another so soon. Max is only eight years old and acts like a pup. He has so much more to give and live. Please pray for him and that god may find it to heal him and let him stay longer with us please.

Note from Esther: If anyone cannot leave a comment, just email me.

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