Monday, August 22, 2011

Prayer Request for Cleo the Dog

From Kozz in comment section:
Please keep my poor Cleo a cocker spaniel in your prayers. She too is in a similar situation. The vet performed her spay surgery without checking her blood levels and later declared that her hemoglobin and platelets counts were very low. She had a blood transfusion two days back. Now, she has fever and is refusing to eat. Please pray that she does not have the dreaded autoimmune disease of the blood, as the vets here are not that experienced with the condition. She is very dear to us and a source of much joy.


  1. Thank you for your prayers.

    Cleo is looking a bit more active, but is completely refusing to eat, but mainly drinking water.

  2. Healing thoughts and prayers for Cleo...

  3. Thank you dear friends for your prayers. Praise be to God. Cleo seems to be mend. She has got her appetite and most of her spunk back. It really is a miracle.

  4. Prayers and healing thoughts continue for Cleo...Thank You Dear Lord...

  5. Prayers continuing for Kozz and your dear Cleo. Prayer is powerful.

  6. Still praying for a complete healing for Cleo...

  7. Thank you friends. Cleo is doing ok. I am just alarmed that she is excessively and desperately hungry all the time. She is not on steroids.
    Please continue to pray for her.

    Thank you fro your intercessions Bl. Seelos, St Francis, and St. Martin De Porres.

  8. kozz, I posted an updated prayer request for Cleo.


Please feel free to leave your prayer request here.