Tuesday, August 2, 2011

An Email of Thanks from a Grateful Pet Owner

Even though I am not replying to your comments left regarding your prayers, please know how grateful I am that you continue to pray for these pets, their owners and that you take the time to let them know. May God bless each and every one of you abundantly!

Now for the email:
Hi! this is IƱaki from the Philippines, i wrote to you couple of months ago for the recovery of my dog WIKI.. i just want to share to you my story.
Before Wiki came to me, i had a dog named Helter, like Wiki, she's a dachshund too. She was really sweet and loving, but i was heartbroken when i took her to the vet to find out that she had canine distemper. I was able to care for her for about three weeks until she finally rested in peace. It was really hard to go through that.
So when Wiki came (she's a gift from my girlfriend), i was so delighted and ready to love another dog. but when she got sick, that was when i realized i could be going to the same situation again. i took Wiki to the vet and she told me she seems to have parvovirus infection. I looked it up in the internet and found out that it is really a bad disease. So I decided to take the problem to God, then i stumbled upon your site because it has prayers for pets especially the sick ones. I copied it and prayed with wiki every night. After a week, i was really amazed that she began to eat by herself again! Your prayers and my prayers worked! i consider it a miracle because i really thought that my dog is going to die again then she regained her health and in fact she's really healthy and active now! I want to thank you from the bottom of my heart because i know that if not for your site and your help in praying, i could be a heartbroken dead-dog owner now. So there, just tell your followers with sick or missing dogs not to lose hope and continue to care for their lovely pets! i promise to pray for the pets who are sick, maybe the miracle that happened to us may happen to them too.

1 comment:

  1. This is so good to see! May God continue to bless you...


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