Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Urgent Prayer Request for Ceilidh the Cat

From Tina:
I came across your blog this morning while looking for a prayer and the the patron saint of animals ( I was unaware there was a patron saint of cats).

Ceilidh is 14 1/2 yrs old and is usually a very lively and sometimes irritating in her need for attention cat. Last year when I came home from a trip she became very ill and needed to be hospitalized for several days. Many tests later we were told she either had kidney disease, or her liver was shutting down or she ate something she shouldn't have. They didn't know. They sent her home with medication and luckily enough she pulled through. This past weekend she started to display the same signs she did last year. We cannot confirm if she is drinking or eating, although she seems to b shrinking before our very eyes. I can't afford the vet bill I paid last time again this year and would like very much if you could post her story to ask for everyone's prayers for her to pull through. I have been asking St Francis to watch over her and protect her... now I think I need more help. Please pray for Ceilidh and for her safe and quick recovery so that I do not need to make a decision....

Thank you,


  1. we here will all pray hard for you & your dear kitty,

  2. Thoughts and prayers for a total healing of Ceilidh are here for you...


Please feel free to leave your prayer request here.