Saturday, July 9, 2011

Urgent Prayer Request - Charlie the Puppy

From Sharon:
Charlie is an 11 week old rescued puppy who has had his shots but is now sick with what looks like parvo. He was to the vet on weds and we have a request for an appointment tomorrow (Saturday) and I am terrified. we lost our two dogs within six months of each other (the 5 year old to lymphoma and the 14 year old to liver failure) I cannot take another loss and Charlie deserves to be our puppy our much loved and needed puppy. Please pray that I am wrong and Charlie will get well. Thank you...He has gotten a 9:30 emergency appointment for this morning. Thank you thank you.


  1. Thoughts and prayers are sent your way for a complete healing for Charlie, Faith and Hope and Comfort are sent your way...please heal Charlie, Dear Lord...


Please feel free to leave your prayer request here.