Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Prayer Request for Toby's Owner

From Rene:
Toby, our 8 yr. Foxhound passed away on Wed. July 6th from renal failure. His death has left a very big hole in our family and we miss him very much. I pray he is with Jesus....Thank you very much. I feel very alone right now as no one else seems to care that he is gone.
Please keep Rene in your prayers!


  1. Lord, wrap your comforting arms around Rene, and hold her pet Toby gently in your Loving arms...thank you Lord. Thoughts of Strength and Love are sent your way, Rene...

  2. God Bless Rene and her beloved Toby the Foxhound . . . may dear Toby know every joy of Heaven and may all the Heavenly Angels and Saints bless Rene's heart with peace.
    Toby will never leave you, Rene, and may you sense Toby's presence ever near you.
    Please don't feel alone, Rene, for many here understand and are thinking of you especially at this time.
    And God Bless Esther always for making this connection possible.

  3. Thank you so much! Thank you especially for all your prayers and sweet messages of consolation.


Please feel free to leave your prayer request here.