Thursday, July 28, 2011

Prayer Request for Sophie the Dog

From Karen:
Please add our lost Sophie-Fifi to your prayer requests.

Sophie, our miniature dachshund, was let out of our yard in San Antonio,
TX on July 21, 2011 while we were away from home for a college
graduation. We have sent out a pet amber alert, posted flyers, visited
all the shelters and will continue to post more flyers to try to find
her but so far we have no good news.

Please have your prayer warriors help us in praying for her safe return
before we get the bad weather predicted for this weekend.

Thank you for such a wonderful and comforting website. It has given me
renewed hope that Sophie may come home.


  1. For your Sophie, & all lost & homeless animals, LORD hear our prayer!

  2. Dear Lord, please keep Sophie safe and well and guide her back to her home...


Please feel free to leave your prayer request here.