Friday, July 1, 2011

Prayer Request for Bootsie the Cat & Update on Cera the Dog

From Catherine:
Please pray for Bootsie. I rescued him a few years ago. He is my best friend. He has been having urinary infections. I took him to the vets earlier this week with what I thought was a reoccurrence. When they ran tests they determined he had stones. They operated yesterday and removed the stones but also found a few other problems. They told me that with a change in diet the other problems might fix themselves. When they called with an update this morning he has developed a fever.

Update on Cera the dog. She continues to improve! The vet says that maybe in another month she will be completely back to her old self.

Thank you for all of your support!


  1. Thank you, Lord for the blessing of Cera's wellness and we pray for the complete healing of Bootsie...

  2. Thank you for your dedicated prayers for all these pets!


Please feel free to leave your prayer request here.