Thursday, July 14, 2011

Good News - Charlie the Puppy

From Sharon:
Dear Esther and the Prayer Warriors; Our little Charlie puppy is back to h is old spit and vinegar. He's eating as if he has just discovered it and taking his pills, hidden in a nutrional suppliment without argument. In facet it look him 15 minutes today to clean every last morsel of that supplement off my fingers this morning, even though the fingers were long clean. I just let him like while admiring the bright eyes and wagging tail and the sheer joy this puppy possess at being alive. Which you must take some credit in, for our vet told us yesterday he was scared that we would lose our little man, that's how sick he was.

If I can EVER do anything for any of you, please don't hesitate. I owe you all so much. Thank you from the bottom of all our hearts. Sharon, Michael, Josh, Casey and, of course Charlie the puppy

Oh and a family friend wants to say thank you as well.

1 comment:

  1. Thank you, Dear Lord for the healing of Charlie and blessings upon Sharon, her family and friend...


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