Thursday, June 2, 2011

Urgent Prayer Request for Skeeter the Dog

From aydiyel
I've stumbled upon your blog while looking for prayers for my dear Skeeter.

Please pray for my dog Skeeter. He was diagnosed with liver problems, enlarged heart, and infection today due to the predisone that the vet told us to administer to him for one week. Now, he is confined in an animal hospital for observation. Please pray for him that he will have a full and speedy recovery. I have been worried sick because he's my happiness, I don't know what I'll do without him. With the help of your prayers I hope he pulls through with a full recovery.

Thank you so so much and God bless.


  1. We will be praying hard for a speed recovery!

  2. Please watch over Skeeter, heal him please..Prayers and thoughts of Love, Strength, Hope and Faith to Skeeter and Aydiyel...

  3. Holy Father please cast your watchful eye towards Skeeter and his family, please look after him and heal him. Lord our pets mean so much to us please give Skeeter's family your love and grace.

  4. And please ask your vet to check for Hystiosytosis. We ost our dog to that , if caught early there is hope.


Please feel free to leave your prayer request here.