Thursday, June 9, 2011

Urgent Prayer Request for Mittens the Hamster

From Izzy:
Hello, my name is Izzy. I was amazed to find such an amazing website at a time like this. I thank you from the bottom of my heart for creating this site, its one of the most beautiful things I have ever seen.

I am also emailing you in hopes that you could pray for my pet hamster, Mittens. She recently visited the vet, where she had an operation done to fix her deformed teeth. She has been very sick and weak for many days after that, and I am starting to fear the worst. She wobbles and shivers a lot, and won't eat as she once use to. Mittens is my very first hamster, and I never thought I could love something so much, but I do. I love Mittens with all of my heart, and it kills me to see her suffering. Please pray for my little Mittens, I would greatly appreciate it.
Thank you for your time and help, God Bless.


  1. Posted by Anonymous but I mistakenly deleted the comment. Anonymous, thanks for all your prayers and comments. I hope you consider telling us your name so I can add you as a prayer warrior.

    Please watch over little Mittens and heal her...Strength, Hope, Faith & Love...

  2. Hi, Izzy...

    I used to have a hamster named George...I know how much these little darlings can be loved.

    From what you describe, it sounds like Mittens might be in pain from the surgery? Have you contacted the Vet who operated?

    My thought and prayers will be with you and Mittens.

    Please pray for my friend's lost cat, Syd...Missing over 12 hours now and my friend is so horrible distraught. We all love our animal friends.

    May Heavenly Father's Blessings be upon us all.


  3. Thank you Bonnie. I have posted a prayer request for Syd. We are praying.

  4. Thank you, Esther, for posting a prayer for Syd. It is Saturday morning here in AZ, but he is still not back.

    Syd's human "Daddy", Tim, knows that Heavenly Father is aware and is trusting in God's care. I personally have faith that Syd will still find his way back, if it is God's will he do so. I just pray Syd is safe and cared for wherever he is, and I pray for Tim's heart to be comforted as he is really hurting.

    I am wondering how Izzy's hamster, Mittens, is doing?

    This site is wonderful. Thank you for the prayers on behalf of Syd.

    Prayers DO WORK. Keep the faith everyone. :)


  5. Bonnie, we will continue to pray for Syd.

    Thanks for your prayers and concern for Mittens. If I hear something, I will post an update.

    God bless,


Please feel free to leave your prayer request here.