Friday, June 17, 2011

Urgent Prayer Request for Ishmael the Cat

From Megan:
My cat, Ishmael, is very sick. He is only about 13 months old. He has FIP. Ishmael is the sweetest and most loving cat I have ever owned. They say he may only have a few more days or months to live. Please pray Ishmael.


  1. For you & yours, LORD hear our prayer!

  2. Prayers for a fantastic, furry, cuddly, lovable kitten, Ishmael. May he be given the opportunity to live long with his family. Pray for Ishmael's parents, Captain, and Bezus. Much love is sent to all of you.

  3. Prayers for a fantastic, furry, cuddly, lovable kitten, Ishmael. May he be given the opportunity to live long with his family. Pray for Ishmael's parents, Captain, and Bezus. Much love is sent to all of you.

  4. Please help us pray for our dog Mocha. She is 5 mos. old German Sheppard who just diagnosed with elbow dysplasia. Were so worried about her coz she dont too much. I cant sleep thinking what can i do to help her. Until i found this website. Please help me to pray for her health. Thank you so much!!!


  5. Prayers both for Ishmael and Mocha's healing and the comfort of the people who love them.

  6. Dear Lord, please watch over and help Ishmael, hold him close to you and give Megan strength, hope and love.

    Also be with Mocha, heal her please. Strength, Hope, Faith and Love to Sherryl...

  7. Sherryl, a prayer request has been posted.

    Thanks for your prayers all!

    Sandy, did you want a prayer request posted for Captain and Bezus?

  8. Prayers for Ishmael, cute sick kitty, and for Megan, her husband, Ishmael's brother cat, Captain, and his sister dog, Bezus who who love Ishmael very much and will miss him greatly. Sandy


Please feel free to leave your prayer request here.