Friday, June 3, 2011

Update on Skeeter the Dog

From Aydiyel

Good day,

I was able to bring Skeeter home from the hospital tonight. The doctor said he's responding well to the treatment and that all we have to do is manage his heart condition and his liver with the pills and the tonic the doctor prescribed. He has pulled through remarkably well and hasnt lost his energy, which is a very good sign.

I can't thank you enough for all of your prayers. You are all wonderful people. I have been worried sick but my worries were alleviated as soon as I found out that other people are also praying for my beloved dog. I am positive that Your prayers helped him pull through. Thank you so so much.

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for the blessing of Skeeter doing over Skeeter that he continue to do well..


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