Monday, June 27, 2011

Special Prayer Request for Wompa the Ewok (the Cat)

From Tatiana:
I adopted a 14 year old fabulous cat in March from the Humane Society. He was very scared and ran away the first night I had him. I prayed to St. Francis and posted a link on your website and he returned. It was so powerful and we have made a connection over the months. I love him dearly. More than I thought capable. I am moving to China for a job and I cannot take him with me. I pray that I may find him a home and that he will not go back to the shelter. I would be honored if you could post a link praying that a he finds the right companion and has a happy peaceful life full of love and freedom and safety.

Wompa the Ewok-Cat
I pray for those of your in the world who have lost your pets; I pray that they return safely to you. I pray that the animals that are hurt or suffering are granted safe passage and salvation. Please help me pray that I find this lovable animal the home that he deserves. Thank you, Bless you and Bless St. Francis.


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