Monday, June 6, 2011

Urgent Prayer Request - Jimmy the Cat

From Kristy:
Please pray for my mothers cat Jimmy- he has had a 105 fever since Thursday ( it is actually down to 103 degrees as of tonight- Sunday) but it still will not break and he has been at the vet overnight since Thursday. I'm sure you remember that my Keoki was very ill a few weeks ago and it seems Jimmy is exhibiting the same symptoms although the vets cannot figure out what could be transferred from dog to cat. They guessed it could be lymes with Keoki but now we are all starting to wonder if it was a bad virus. Please pray that Jimmy's fever breaks- your prayers helped heal my Keoki and I know they will help little Jimmy. Thank you so much Esther and all of the amazing people who read this blog and pray for our furbabies. Mahalo,

1 comment:

  1. Dear Lord, please heal Jimmy the Cat...


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