Friday, June 10, 2011

Prayer Request for Syd the Cat

From Bonnie:
Please pray for my friend's lost cat, Syd...Missing over 12 hours now and my friend is so horrible distraught. We all love our animal friends.

May Heavenly Father's Blessings be upon us all.


  1. Sending prayers to St. Gertrude and St. Anthony for Syd's swift and safe return. Hope that your friends are finding some comfort in this rough time.

  2. Thank you Beth Anne. If you pray for our pets regularly, I will add you to our list of prayer warriors.
    God bless,

  3. I just found this site, I'm so excited :) My husband and I are the proud pet parents of 3 rescued kitties

  4. Dear Lord, keep Syd safe and well and guide him home to his family. Strength, Hope, Faith and Love...

  5. Congratulations Beth Anne!

    Thanks A.


Please feel free to leave your prayer request here.