Thursday, June 30, 2011

Prayer Request for Sally the Dog

From Holly:
I saw that you have a blog and prayer warriors for pets. I’m dog sitting my daughter’s two dogs for a week. One of the dogs, Sally, has had a tough life. A year ago she almost died. She has had digestive issues and food allergies that are beyond that of any animal I’ve ever seen. After trying just about everything, she’s been living on a diet of eggs, cottage cheese, and rice. Her weight is better (she was like a skeleton earlier … bones and fur), and she seems to have been on the mend lately. Of course, I’ve omitted many details, including the numerous trips to the vet and the thousands of dollars that we’ve contributed to the local economy.

The issue now is ear infections. She just can’t seem to get rid of them. The poor thing is going around shaking her head, rubbing her ears on couches, floors, and us. She’s been on numerous medications, her eardrums have popped, they are so swollen there isn’t even an ear canal you can make out to apply the drops. Anyway, I’m leaving for the vet’s office in five minutes.

Will you and your warriors pray for dear Sally? She has been through so much. She could really use a break!


  1. Praying for Sally and her dog moms. Hope the ear infections are cured with antibiotics.

  2. Update: Even after all the treatments thus far, Sally had bacterial and yeast infections in both ears. So severe, in fact, there is talk of surgery that would leave her deaf. For now, she is taking prednisone, has an ear wash with antibiotics & antifungal, and medicated ear drops with the same. Twice a day … keeps the surgery away, or so we hope.

    I have to tell you one last thing … I was totally stressing out over how much money all this was going to cost. Of course you do what you have to do, right. I only had so much cash, and I was fearful that I wouldn’t have enough. As I was sitting there—anxiety ridden—my car keys were bothering me and I reached into my pocket to transfer them to my purse. Not only did my pocket contain the unwanted keys, but a much wanted, much needed wad of cash. I had no idea this money was there. I’ve been known to cram some change, or a bill or two, into my pocket when I’m leaving the store. But this was a lot of money, enough cash to cover the entire bill, plus some. Thank you God! I’ve tucked away the extra for Sally’s follow-up visit in two weeks.

    I’m a true believer in the power of prayer, but it still never ceases to amaze me!

    Thank you warriors…
    God bless!

  3. Holly, we are praying for Sally's healing, especially through Blessed Seelos' intercession.

    Thank you for sharing that with us! Amazing indeed.

    Patricia, thank you for praying.

  4. Dear Lord, please heal Sally and comfort Holly, thank you...


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