Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Prayer Request for Jack the Dog

From Sarah:
Prayers please for my sweet 6 year old Golden Lab, Jack. Jack had an accident on the beach last week, which brought us to the vet to have him looked at for surgery. Due to his age, and past reactions to anesthesia, they ordered a full blood and urine panel for Jack. Unfortunately, the results were not good and have indicated that my sweetest, most precious boy has an issue with his liver. Jack brings love and joy to me and my family on a daily basis. I tell God every night that I feel His love for me through my dogs, and this is most especially true of Jack. Jack has been my best friend and most constant companion through much grief. My former husband liked to say that we didn't pick Jack, and that Jack picked us. The infinite happiness that Jack brings is something that I humbly ask God that we may enjoy for many, many years to come. I thank you in advance for support and prayers and ask God that He lay His healing hands on this amazing boy.


  1. I was sent this by my good friend Sarah. Knowing her and Jack as I do I can think of no relationship more loving than theirs. Jack is an extraordinary being who brings love and light to all he touches. Blessings to all.

  2. Thank you so much! I feel so at peace knowing that Jack will be prayed for. He truly is a gift from God.


Please feel free to leave your prayer request here.