Thursday, May 19, 2011

Wow! Fourth Good News in a Row! - Hoover the Dog

Thank you so very much to all of you for your prayers!

From Meghan:
Thank you for your prayers and sending out the prayer request. My baby boy is now home safe and sound (as of a couple of hours ago.)

Thanks again!


  1. Right now I would like to say 'Thank you, God for answering our many prayers for these Animal Friends!'

    Love, strength and Faith to all...

  2. Isn't it wonderful! BTW, sounds like you pray for our pets. Would you like to add your name to our list of prayer warriors?

  3. You have added me, is me, Jan from Oregon. I'm here for you and the others every morning and evening..bless you and your wonderful blog :)

  4. Not sure if my post went through, Esther, it is me, Jan from Oregon..bless you!

  5. Thank you Jan! You and the others are all an important part of our prayer family. God bless.


Please feel free to leave your prayer request here.