Friday, May 13, 2011

Urgent Prayer Request for Puma the Kitten

From Adrienne:
In need of prayers.
Puma is a kitty is a stray that was seriously injured - possibly a gun shot wound.  Puma has a broken jaw and 60% of his tongue missing.  A lovely lady by the name of Elle is caring for Puma, who at this time is doing well and is trying to learn to eat.
Puma's story is here
Esther - thank you for all you do.  I'll let her know Puma has been "turned in" for the prayer warriors to work their magic.


  1. Please pray for Raleigh a dog that was just hit in front of me. She is7 months old and was playing in the front yard with her owner when my daughter and her friends walked by. Puppy ran in the road and was hit and then ran off. We have been calling her and helping her owner look and we have had no look. She was hit pretty bad, you could see it and hear it. Please pray that we find her. Thank you!

  2. Ginaannie: A prayer request has been posted. We are praying for Raleigh.

  3. After 2 hours Raleigh was found alive and cowering in some bushes in a neighboring yard. My alert 11 year old heard leaves crunching in some dense cover. Raleigh is on her way to the vet. She is scraped up with some road rash, but other then that no obvious signs. This was near a theatre, not near our home, so we may not know how she fares. I am thankful she was found.
    Thank you for your prayers.

  4. Thanks for posting about Puma. I'll keep you updated...


Please feel free to leave your prayer request here.