Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Urgent Prayer Request for Keoki the Dog

From Kristy:
I would like to ask you to please pray for my 3 and a half year old yokie named Keoki. He has been in and out of the emergency vet since Monday. He has an enlarged spleen and high fever and seems to be getting worse as the days go on. I would love it if you could pray for his health and so that we can find out what exactly is causing all of this. This dog is a gift from God to me and is the light of my life. I would love all prayers and good energy sent his way. Thank you so very much,


  1. As of this evening Keoki still has a fever and they cannot figure out what is going on. His spleen is still enlarged- Thank you so much for your kind prayers and please keep sending them- we need them.

  2. Thanks RA and Adrienne!

    An updated prayer request has been posted. We continue to pray for Keoki.


Please feel free to leave your prayer request here.