Friday, May 20, 2011

Updated Prayer Request - Moshe the Cat

From Marcy:
Hello, I apologize that it has taken me a while to email the next
update for Moshe. He is now home!!! I give him certain medicines at
certain times and also a lot of TLC of course. Please pray for Moshe
for a strengthening of his immune system, a good appetite, and an
increase in the number of red blood cells to a very healthy level.
Moshe and I are very grateful for your prayers and support.



  1. Would you please pray for my cat rocky who is suffering from a severe bowel problem at this time. He as battling the best he can but the vet is unsure as to what the problem actually is. He is on metacam to ease his pain and I don't like to see him suffering. With your help and my prayers I am hoping he will pull through. Thank you and God bless you.

  2. Can you please pray for my cat ,rocky who is suffering from a severe bowel complaint at this time. He is battling it as best he can but the vet is unsure what is causing the problem. He is on metacam to ease his pain but I don't like to see him suffering. With your help and my prayers I am hoping he will pull through. Thank you and God bless you .

  3. Martin, an urgent prayer request has been posted. We are praying for Rocky's speedy recovery.

  4. I hope Moshe's immune system strengthens soon and he is doing better already. I am praying for him....
    God Bless you Moshe.... So happy to hear that you are home and being well taken care of.....


Please feel free to leave your prayer request here.