Monday, May 16, 2011

Prayer Request for Hoover the Dog

From Meghan:
While looking online for more prayers to help me, I came across your old blog and wanted to send you a prayer request.

My name is Meghan and I live just outside of Atlanta, GA. Early Thursday evening, my husband and I left for a weekend trip to Houston and left our two four-legged babies in the care of a pet sitter that would stay at our house. Early Friday morning, I got a call from my friend that I list as the emergency contact for our dogs when we are out of town. As it turns out, sometime Thursday evening, the sitter had taken the "kids" out and while outside, dropped one of the leashes and my youngest, Hoover, bolted. He has been gone since and it is currently 2:30 on Sunday morning.

I took a flight back early the next morning to try to get him. He was a rescue and is very skittish around other people. I assumed that no one would be able to catch him but me and I thought that because he is such a "Momma's Boy" that once I was home he would come back right away. SO far this isnt the case. We have everyone in our neighborhood keeping an eye out for him and he has been spotted but so far I havent seen him. The fact that he is wearing a leash attached to a "soft-choke" collar scares me even more because of the risk of him getting tangled or choked.

Would you please prayer that is caught and back inside his home very soon? I consider him my baby boy and love him dearly!

Thank you and God Bless!


  1. Prayers for the safe return of your baby,

  2. Many prayers for the safety of Hoover and quick return to his family...

  3. Praying for Hoovers safe return and for all of you.


Please feel free to leave your prayer request here.