Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Urgent Prayer Request for Schonda the Dog

From Kieran:
I have been meaning to write to you as you and your website have been such a source of comfort since I lost my babies. It is just over a year and the pain is still as raw as the day I lost them. I know my heart will be forever broken, but as you know I adopted two rescue dogs who have helped provide love, comfort and company. They give me purpose, as I love spoiling them because they have never been shown kindness before or love for that matter. They have brought joy to me and my family when we were certain we wouldnt experience it again. They are part of our family now and we love them dearly and that is why I am writing this email to you. Schonda the older of the two (they estimate her age to be approx 8 years) has had a difficult life and they suspect she had been beaten and part of a puppy mill. Today we took her to the vet and found that her liver enzymes were high and that they wish to remove a bump on her stomach. With this news I practically burst into tears as it brings back horrible memories of times spent at vets. She will go into surgery on Monday and I ask that you and everyone please keep her in your thoughts and prayers and pray the surgery is a success and that she gets the all clear. Please I pray that her liver enzymes return to normal and she makes a speedy recovery and the lump on her stomach is nothing serious. I want to spend many more years with Schonda and Echo and show them what it is like to be loved and part of a family. Please pray for their good health.


  1. Please give us any updates you may have on your Schonda

  2. Kieran, Me and my family extend our thoughts and prayers to you and to Schondo. We know all to well the pain and misery. We lost the light of my daughters life, our precious Olivia on Thursday after a couragous battle with cancer.

    Her story was similar, she was a rescue from a puppy mill, and yet she proved to be the sweetest little dog in the world. While we all grieve so badly right now, I still believe she is whole and healthy again, and we will be with her again.

    I also pray for you that your situation works out as best as can be, and the bump is nothing significant and the liver functions go back to normal.

    Please pray for my family and our Olivia also-thank you and God bless

  3. Thank you for your prays and concerns. Schonda came out of her surgey well. She is now recovering but has three scars on her stomach now :( Broke my heart, as I wish I could protect her from these things, as she is still a bit sore and tender but it is lovely to have her home. Still no news with results because of the easter long weekend but we shall hopefully know something by wednesday next week. I will keep you posted on the results.

    Olivia is in my prayers and I am so sorry to hear of your loss, as I can see from your comment she was very much loved and I have no doubt she felt the same way about you. Know that you will see your Olivia again and that until that day she is in good hands. I find whenever I start to cry over my baby Taz and Vlooi who I lost last year I simply close my eyes and picture them waiting for me with a big smile on my face and that gets me through the day, as I know I will see them again. You and your family as well as Olivia are in my prayers and I thank you so much for your prayers for Schonda. It means the world to me. So thank you and God bless.

    P.S: I know how difficult a time you are having right now and I know when I lost my babies I needed someone to listen and to understand, as many people dont understand the bond we can have with our animals. Esther (the wonderful person who created this website) was that person for me and it brought me comfort to know that she cared and was praying for my angels and that she is praying for my Schonda now. So if you ever need someone to listen or talk to I am only a email away and I know Esther would say the same :) Take care



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