Saturday, April 23, 2011

Updated Prayer Request for Baby the Cat

From Donna:
I wanted to give you an update regarding Baby. Yesterday, was a big day as Baby vomited out his nasal feeding tube which was also affecting his breathing. The Doctor was planning to change his feeding tube to a gastro tube and put in a direct line for blood testing and knew it would be risky with his condition as he needed anesthesia. When we arrived his tech found us and told us he was doing well and that the procedure was successful and that he was in ultrasound. We felt optimistic as Baby almost died after his nueter operation due to a reaction to anesthesia as a kitten so coming out of this in as weak state as he is was a good sign we thought.
After a long harrowing wait the Doctor came to us and said that his pancreas was in bad shape and that there was not much else they could do for him and felt it would become a quality of life issue. We decided that even though it was Good Friday, we needed to make the decision after letting it all sink in and giving God a chance to show us a miracle since he had just made it through another procedure and that if by Easter he didn't show us, that we would feel we could help him go to heaven on the holiest of holy days and trust that we gave God time to work thru him.
We had a visit with him and for the first time since he had been in the hospital since last Thursday he seemed like he could relax. We told him he was the bravest best boy that we could have ever hoped for and that he did not have to fight anymore. We left him with a heavy heart knowing we have to trust in God's plan for him.

Please continue to pray for a miracle for him and for his mate Cat who was so distraught when we came home late last night. Please pray for us in making a holy right decision as we are getting weary.
Please pray that if it is God's will for a miracle that it happen now. We are now in that position where we will have to make a decision to let him go soon so that he doesn't suffer or merely exist for our benefit. As always we are so grateful for all your continued prayers as I know they are helping even now as I write this to you. I am comforted by the quote in my lenten prayer book as Jesus says,"Did I not tell you that if you believe you will see the glory of God?" I believe!

We will continue to pray for all the other animals. God bless and always keeping the faith!

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