Monday, April 4, 2011

Prayer Request for Capt. Ahab the Cat

From Gwyn:
Hello. I am asking that your network pray with me for my black and
white male cat, Capt. Ahab. He is a little stray that I feed, named
and made friends with. He was wonderful, if a little people shy. He
disappeared for awhile and then returned. I was in the process of
adopting him to give him a real home when he disappeared again. A man
who knows him and works for a chiropractor where I fed him said he saw
Ahab about 2 weeks ago. I have put flyers out, made calls, gotten a
humane trap but I can't find him. I helped to rescue his sister and
her 6 kittens. He was next and I love him, Please pray that I can
locate my little friend or he returns and receive the help I need to
get him in. Thank you.

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