Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Urgent Prayer Request for Wompa the Cat

From Tatiana:
I adopted a 14 year old beautiful Himalayan grey cat yesterday. His name is Wompa. In a way, he adopted me. He brought me so much joy. I wanted to give him a good home away from the cage of the Humane Society. He slipped out a window last night, Monday. I am beside myself. Please pray for his safe return, or safety and comfort wherever his road may take him. Thank you, and bless St. Francis.


  1. Thank you all so very very much for your prayers. This is truly a testament to prayers, hard work and patience. I found Wompa late last night sitting on my doormat--wet, dirty and hungry. I am so happy and thankful. Although we (Wompa and I) are new to each other, and he is an old man, I think he knew I meant well and held love in my heart. He came back, maybe he did adopt me afterall! Bless St. Francis and everyone on this blog. :) Cats are amazing, as are connections, and most of all altruistic love.

  2. What wonderful news!! I am thrilled for you. I just posted an update. God bless.


Please feel free to leave your prayer request here.