Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Prayer Request for Taxi the Dog

From Aliza in the comment section:
My Names Aliza
we recently lost our Beloved Little one Taxi she went missing on February 10, 2011 . We dearly miss her . Can you please keep her in your Prayers . Thank You . God Bless.

Thank you for praying for Taxi
can you pray for her safe return home.
she is a dogie 3 years old and small we have no idea what happened to her she never showed interest in wondering off or running away.I've posted flyers all around our neighborhood and neighboring neighborhoods we got a few leads a week ago but when we went to check the dog people saw wasn't there anymore.We really miss her and want her home safe and soon Thank You for your prayers .

1 comment:

  1. for your lost pup & all lost and homeless pets, LORD hear our prayer.


Please feel free to leave your prayer request here.