Thursday, March 31, 2011

Prayer Request for Bob the Dog

From Katie:
Please pray for our dog, Bob. He's been gone since Monday (3/28), perhaps even Sunday night. He's friendly with other dogs, but is sort of fearful of people. He's a big dog, a shepherd mix, I worry that someone has gotten angry at him. We live out in the country and I don't know what else to do to find him. We've called the pound daily, we've put ads in the papers, and we've hung fliers. Please pray for his safety and return, and to help me to know what else to do.

Thank you,


  1. For your pup Bob, LORD hear our prayer...& as always, prayers from us here for all your posters...


  2. RA, your prayers, as you know are very much appreciated. We count on them! God bless.


Please feel free to leave your prayer request here.