Friday, February 4, 2011

Urgent Prayer Request for Noel the Bunny

From Steve:
Please pray for my little bunny, Noel. She has tumors around her lungs that make it difficult to breath. The rabbit vet said it would be best to put her down. I don't want to be selfish, and that's what people say. They say I'm allowing her to suffer for my selfish feelings. I want her to be well. She did nothing to anyone. She needs to live and I've prayed so hard for some miracle to occur. My wife has scheduled a trip to the vet tomorrow to do what I dread.
Please help me

1 comment:

  1. Hello Steve,

    Steve, when my Sundance died, having been advance first aid trained, and working as a jail officer in INS with detainees fir Homeland Security, I had first responder medical training. My wife, also a trauma nurse of over 25 years was there as we, a vet, his assistant worked to save Sundance. I was pushing his fluid IV as he died.
    Steve, I pray God will show you that he has your animal safe in his heart, and if he wants the animal to live on here, show you, YES, he said in John 16:33 I WILL SHOW YOU (emphasis added.
    If not, trust your friend to return to our loving creator. As a perfect God of LOVE, no darkness, what do you believe is the eternal fate for your friend.
    Dear Lord,
    I thank GOD for this animal, and ask you reveal your loving will to these hurting people, and that they can feel and know, the safety their animal ALREADY does, in communicating with our loving creator.
    Steve Chapman


Please feel free to leave your prayer request here.