Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Urgent Prayer Request for Maggie the Dog

From Gregory:
Can you please say a prayer for our special dog Maggie. She is a gentle and loving, 9 year old Bernese Mountain Dog. She developed a fast-growing mast cell tumor in her stomach. She has been on steroids for a week and it has reduced substantially. The doctors say it needs to be reduced more to remove it. She is a strong girl. I know she can beat this. So far she has shown no symptoms. Please pray that it continues to shrink and that the doctors have the wisdom to give her the right care. She has brought so much love into our home and has helped me get through many difficult times in my life. I hope and pray I can do the same for her.

Thank you so much. It has been quite an emotional ride. The first biopsy came back negative. We were so relieved. Then when I brought
her to a vet hospital to have the tumor removed, their biopsy showed it was cancer. And the surgeon said she would only live a week. So if she lives to Friday, she is already a medical miracle. Naturally we will get more opinions.

Thanks for the prayer. We are realistic people but if you saw Maggie you would agree with us. She does not plan on departing us.


Please feel free to leave your prayer request here.