Thursday, February 10, 2011

Recent Update on Clifford the Dog

From Vicky:
Update on Clifford. Thank you for posting my prayer requests.

I ended up taking Clifford to see a specialist after repeated efforts to find the cause to no avail. After some more biopsies were done, Clifford was diagnosed with Erythemia Multiforme. I think it is rare and it's a reaction causing his body to attack (or be allergic to) his own skin. The specialist thinks that it is drug induced and that it is possibly caused from his vaccinations, but it could be anything really. It can be difficult to treat because without knowing the "trigger" it can keep the disease active.

Clifford is now on some seriously strong meds for 3 weeks now, and so far is showing decent improvement. I know that your prayers have helped. We still have a long, long road ahead. He can't stay on the high doses of the medications he is on. We go back in a couple of weeks and they will run some bloodwork and adjust the meds. Can you please still request some prayers that when the medications get reduced that the condition doesn't start again? Please pray that they can find the cause and keep it under control so Clifford can have a better quality of life.

Thank you-

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