Friday, February 25, 2011

Prayer Request for Bob the Cat

From the comments section:
Bob showed up at my home 6 wks ago. His owner lives not far from here (so Bob is familiar with this area) but would not keep him inside. We had freezing temps and I would put him a spare room @ night. I was afraid my cats would not accept him. We became very bonded as I searched for a good home for him (I have 6 cats & 2 dogs. All indoor pets). I found someone that wanted Bob and agreed to keep him indoors. Bob went to his new home approx 15 miles away on February 17th and managed to get outside on the 19th. Last seen on the 21st.I have posted signs and announced him missing on our local live radio station. Bob is approx 1yr old, tame, friendly and smart. If Bob would try to travel back to me his main obstacles are a county highway and Interstate Hwy to cross. I have been praying he find his way back here and have had very strong dreams that he does. Please pray the close bond we formed will allow Bob to come here and have a home with us for life. Thank you

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