Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Urgent Prayer Request for Spook the Cat

From Diana:
I write this with great pain. My father passed away several months ago without warning. My cat has always been a comfort to me. We have recently had a huge amounts of snowfall and I have kept my cats inside. They do not like the snow. My cat was a rescue cat – having been found at a grocery store under some crates, he was almost dead. He lived at the vets office for about a month before he was put up for adoption. My 7 year old son picked him out of about 20+ cats and he has been the sweetest cat we’ve ever had. My son can carry him around like a baby and he never claws or bites.

He got outside while several of the neighborhood kids were sledding in the snow, and coming in to warm up and going out again. I didn’t realize he had got out, I thought he was sleeping in another room.

My cats are part of my family. I pray and ask that he not be taken from us after all that we’ve been through. Spook is so special on a lot of levels. I pray and ask for his safe return because I can not handle loosing something I love so much so soon.

Thanks for your website and all the wishes and prayers of the others.

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